November 2021
Happy Thanksgiving From Your OnPar Technologies Team
What are we most thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday?

We are thankful for you, our client, colleague, and friend. Without great people like you, we wouldn't be here doing what we enjoy every day. Thank you for your partnership and trust.

Our office will be closed on November 25 and November 26 to allow our team time to spend the holiday with their families and friends.

Your OnPar Technologies Team
NOTICE: Microsoft Is Increasing License Rates
Make sure to review the following list of price increases so you know what to expect on your invoice. Effective 3/1/2022, Microsoft will be increasing the following license prices:
If you utilize any of the licenses listed above, your invoice will increase as indicated.
Questions? Please reach out to our team.
Consolidate Your Communications With Microsoft Teams
How To Determine If It’s Right For Your Organization

Are you already using Microsoft Teams for the majority of your business communication processes? Then why not use it for your business phones too? Discover how to evaluate it for your organization using this guide.
Elements Of An Effective Business Continuity Strategy
An effective business continuity strategy is very important to your business and brand success. Business continuity is so important because you want everything running smoothly at all times. Whether it be a natural disaster, an act of terrorism, or something smaller like a power outage around the block, your customers and clients want to know they can count on you even when the world around you might be shutting down or interrupted.
Good Computer Tricks That Are Not Commonly Known
While you might have several years of experience using computers, there are surprisingly many ways you could sharpen your skills on the PC and enhance productivity. These small yet obscure tips and tricks can make a big difference in your workflow—and save you tons of time in the process.
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